Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

  • Spa Style & Self Care Reflections, Rituals and Resources for Joyful Living

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  • About Spanista

    Ginny Shiverdecker, Creator of Spanista is Spa Wellness Enthusiast, Adventurer Seeker and Brand Builder.
    Ginny is……Read more


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Spanista Imagines Creative Force Fueling New 3D Pen Technology. Yes, just imagine what is possible if you had a 3D pen in your hand! This special tool is not on the market yet but it will be soon. Now it may not be affordable for everyone yet but that will happen in a short matter of time. This is so exciting, right? A Spa Enthusiast could do some serious Self Care Reflection with a 3D printing like device like this. Or create somethings special that is a personal help to you.

I saw this new product trend at the National Retail Federation Big Show In New York this week, along with so many other amazing things. When I see a device like this curious questions pop into my mind immediately like these – and really want to hear what you think about them:

1. With this tool in hand what do you think a 3D Pen holds for Wellness Seekers?

2. Can you imagine how this will change everything for us in the future?

3. If you had such a pen, what would you create with it that could improve our lives?

4. Why would you pick this idea first?

I am VERY curious to hear your thoughts on Spanista Imagines Creative Force Fueling New 3D Pen Technology..

What it could mean for you and us Spanista’s? Please share!

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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Dear Wellness Seekers,

More Fantastic Trends Toward Mindful Technology Products that are worth sharing. The NRF Big Show continued today with many thought leaders and experts offering their points of view on global retailing, product innovations and future projections.

That said, the Futurist’s predict that the scope and speed of change are accelerating at a more rapid pace but advancements in technology are only part of the picture. The biggest contributor will be the scientific breakthrough in reading DNA, therefore the insight and unfolding capability to create or manipulate stem cells will drive forward the ability to program these cells to make them into what we want. Really? Really! Well, I must say that changes everything in ways we are yet to comprehend so it really stopped everyone in their tracks. You could visibly hear the air get sucked out of the massive open conference space where thousands of people are sitting. A book by a renowned scientist will be published in March on this subject and promises to hit the NYTimes best seller list and will help us grasp the magnitude of it all.

Massive change is coming – so how will we cope? Embracing and practicing mindful living will certainly help us live through it.



Take a look at this innovative bracelet that has technology embedded in it and projects the screen right onto your inner arm. You can manipulate the screen by touching your arm so you can manipulate your Aps  – especially the new ones coming down the road for managing important things like your stress, your emotional state or your serenity. Yes Spanista sees them coming. Even while you are in your bath! So it can be at your access anytime to help you maintain your wellbeing.

Question: So what Aps would you like to see designed to design to help you with wellness practices?

How cool is that? Spanista welcomes these type of advancements for our Wellness Seekers.

More fun stuff from New York tomorrow.

To Your Journey To Self Care,


Take a look at this innovative bracelet that has technology embedded in it in it and projects the screen

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Spanista-Sees-Fantastic-Trend-Toward-Mindful-Technology-Products.jpegPINIMAGEDear Wellness Seekers,

Spanista Sees Fantastic Trend Toward Mindful Technology Products at the National Retail Federation’s Big Show Global Conference in New York City. Part of the excitement of being at this amazing conference is to see the infusion of innovation in everything and every aspect of retailing here.

Along with the world’s retailers are the suppliers – 35,000 strong. The best companies around the world are taking down the barriers and creating more accessible and inspiring products for people like us – the Wellness Seekers and Spa Enthusiasts. While I am amidst this excitement I want to capture the things that rise to the top that are relevant to Spanista’s

Here is one idea that captured my imagination I just had to share. It is a stylish Bluetooth Music Speaker that floats on the water. Can you imagine a relaxing swim with soothing music permeating the water while pulsing rainbows of light flutter lightly in sync with its rhythm?

This certainly can transform a mood for the better and bring about a state of wellbeing, right?

The product will soon be on the market. So glad there is a focus on what will make an emotional difference in our lives with such potential richness.

Tune in tomorrow to see what else I discovered here at the NRF Big Show.

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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Dear Wellness Seekers,

Good News Monday: Manhattan Arrival Brings Adrenalin Rush. Happily, the flight to New York was easier than most I’ve experienced – skies were clear blue, planes flew on time, transfer gate across the hall in Atlanta, gate available upon arrival at Laguardia, luggage made transfer, no one waiting in line at the Taxi stand (REALLY!). These are good omen signs for this was great start 2015!

The view from the Southwest Airline’s plane was spectacular as the flight course took us south over lower Manhattan Island and I could take a quick pic over the shoulder of a flight mate without disturbing her to get a pic of the Statue of Liberty. Hard to phantom I actually got a clear shot Lady Liberty from me aisle seat. Although little she is you can see her brings Spanista joy. I feel in love with her when I lived in Manhattan as I saw her often and it was the symbol of home when I flew back from international locals. The goods news is she stands strong as a symbol of freedom and she is our historical link to France who needs our emotional support right now. (My grand mother was born outside of Paris.)

When the taxi speeds over the Manhattan Bridge into The City I can feel my heartbeat picking up pace and I relish NYC as a living reminder of best of what America is. Here for everyone to enjoy who wish to partake. A city where your destiny can manifest in a big way if you seek it.Good-News-Monday:-Manhattan-Arrival-Brings-Freedom-Rush-2.jpegPINIMAGE

I am here to participate in the National Retail Federation’s Global BIG SHOW Conference (NRF) held at the Javits Center where over 35, 000 people from around the world come to share innovation, knowledge, experience, guidance and stories about their brands and businesses. We learn well from each other and grow. I have made many friends within the retail community, participated on the marketing board, presented ideas to the attendees and networked. This event is one of the highlights of my professional life so I would not miss it for the world. Old friends will reunite and new friends will be made this year. The city brings us together joyfully and we feed our thirst for inspiration.

I am particularly keen to learn about ways I can strengthen Spanista to improve the experience of for YOU, Wellness Lovers and Spa Enthusiasts. I want to take you with me on The Spanista Journey because I am very interested in continuing the dialogue we created in 2014 and give you more of what you want and need to improve your Self Care Journey to Joy!


As you can see the view coming  into Midtown is glorious on this clear crisp day. I look froward to settling in and letting this new experience unfold. Stay tuned as I share new chapters.

Have a marvelous week – and remember to be thankful for the freedoms we have worthy of protecting.

To Your Self Care Journey to Joy,


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Dear Wellness Seekers,

Spanista Recommends Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind NYTimes Article by Pico Iyer, the author of a book titled “The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere“. I so want to read this book and this article just confirmed why. I first heard about it when I received an email announcing its publication from the TED Organization and TED Books. Visit for loads of takes on the book. TED is near and dear to me. It became a catalyst for me to change my life’s direction as a result of attending an expansive TED Global Conference in Oxford, England. That is a story for another time, but you maybe interested in knowing it contributed to the birth of Spanista.

‘Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind’ by Pico Iyer in Jan.4th NY Times Review so resonates with the Spanista Philosophy. It feels like Pico and I have been running parallel paths to the discovery of Self Care – its virtues and its benefits. The notion of ‘going within’ through Reflection Time Rituals, is all about practicing “The Art of Stillness.” The article is worthy read if you have time to check it out via the link I provided.

A favorite Pico quote that captures the essence of the article: “I gave up big macs and started exercising. But I was neglecting my inner life.”

In the NYTimes article Pico goes on to explore the idea of being an ‘Externalist” – “I was, in short, what I’d call and externalist – a person who’ll exercise great care over what he puts into his body and never think about what he puts into this mind. Who will dwell at length on everything he can’t see on which his well-being depends. Who will fill his head with so much junk that he can’t remember that wolfing Buffalo wings isn’t the problem, but the symptom. An externalist makes a point – even a habit- of cherishing means over ends, effects over causes and everything that fills him up over everything that truly sustains him. He interprets health in terms of his body weight, wealth in terms of his bank account and success in terms of his business card. He’ll go to the health club and never think of the mental health club, like someone imagines that only arteries to be unclogged are the ones that course with blood.

My goal will be to get a hard copy and e-reader download of  “The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere“. Why both? I do not know about you, but I prefer REAL books to E-Books when it comes the subjects like this because I like to make notes in it, highlight passages and earmarked pages to study and revisit. Yes, I am that kind of person. The E-Reader is easier to carry when I travel. But I digress….

How about we read it together?

I am heading to New York for a few days so will seek out the real deal and circle back to you. Stay tune for my New York updates soon. Have a great weekend!

To Your 2015 Self Care Journey To Joy,


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