Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Spanista Imagines Creative Force Fueling New 3D Pen Technology


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Spanista Imagines Creative Force Fueling New 3D Pen Technology. Yes, just imagine what is possible if you had a 3D pen in your hand! This special tool is not on the market yet but it will be soon. Now it may not be affordable for everyone yet but that will happen in a short matter of time. This is so exciting, right? A Spa Enthusiast could do some serious Self Care Reflection with a 3D printing like device like this. Or create somethings special that is a personal help to you.

I saw this new product trend at the National Retail Federation Big Show In New York this week, along with so many other amazing things. When I see a device like this curious questions pop into my mind immediately like these – and really want to hear what you think about them:

1. With this tool in hand what do you think a 3D Pen holds for Wellness Seekers?

2. Can you imagine how this will change everything for us in the future?

3. If you had such a pen, what would you create with it that could improve our lives?

4. Why would you pick this idea first?

I am VERY curious to hear your thoughts on Spanista Imagines Creative Force Fueling New 3D Pen Technology..

What it could mean for you and us Spanista’s? Please share!

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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