Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Spanista Recommends Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind NYTimes Article


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Spanista Recommends Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind NYTimes Article by Pico Iyer, the author of a book titled “The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere“. I so want to read this book and this article just confirmed why. I first heard about it when I received an email announcing its publication from the TED Organization and TED Books. Visit for loads of takes on the book. TED is near and dear to me. It became a catalyst for me to change my life’s direction as a result of attending an expansive TED Global Conference in Oxford, England. That is a story for another time, but you maybe interested in knowing it contributed to the birth of Spanista.

‘Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind’ by Pico Iyer in Jan.4th NY Times Review so resonates with the Spanista Philosophy. It feels like Pico and I have been running parallel paths to the discovery of Self Care – its virtues and its benefits. The notion of ‘going within’ through Reflection Time Rituals, is all about practicing “The Art of Stillness.” The article is worthy read if you have time to check it out via the link I provided.

A favorite Pico quote that captures the essence of the article: “I gave up big macs and started exercising. But I was neglecting my inner life.”

In the NYTimes article Pico goes on to explore the idea of being an ‘Externalist” – “I was, in short, what I’d call and externalist – a person who’ll exercise great care over what he puts into his body and never think about what he puts into this mind. Who will dwell at length on everything he can’t see on which his well-being depends. Who will fill his head with so much junk that he can’t remember that wolfing Buffalo wings isn’t the problem, but the symptom. An externalist makes a point – even a habit- of cherishing means over ends, effects over causes and everything that fills him up over everything that truly sustains him. He interprets health in terms of his body weight, wealth in terms of his bank account and success in terms of his business card. He’ll go to the health club and never think of the mental health club, like someone imagines that only arteries to be unclogged are the ones that course with blood.

My goal will be to get a hard copy and e-reader download of  “The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere“. Why both? I do not know about you, but I prefer REAL books to E-Books when it comes the subjects like this because I like to make notes in it, highlight passages and earmarked pages to study and revisit. Yes, I am that kind of person. The E-Reader is easier to carry when I travel. But I digress….

How about we read it together?

I am heading to New York for a few days so will seek out the real deal and circle back to you. Stay tune for my New York updates soon. Have a great weekend!

To Your 2015 Self Care Journey To Joy,


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