Dear Wellness Seekers,
Good News Monday: Oxford Exchange Exceeds Expectations offers a glimpse into someplace special here in Tampa. Always on the lookout for new, exciting experiences to share with our Spanista friends who are seeking something richer in restaurants beyond great food – A Spanista wants to feel something special that lingers on through ambiance, settings or culture. The proprietor who wins our hearts sets a greater context for food that transcends satisfying the taste buds. Would you agree?
The Oxford Exchange I am happy to share, exceeded my expectations on this criteria. I heard about Oxford Exchange from a few friends in our SoHo neighborhood. So I checked out the website. It looked promising. Especially the background story about the spirited woman behind it. A great Spanista Self Care Ritual is to spend quality time with a friend you hold dear to spend quality time sharing life’s experiences and plans. So I promised myself I would set plans for brunch with my long time friend Kathleen while I was in Tampa. We both wanted to see it for the first time together. We met there this weekend for several hours of play time.
This is Part One: The Introduction to The Oxford Exchange. It deserves chapter features for your to enjoy. The location is just across the river to downtown Tampa and across the street from the University of Tampa which is growing in many ways. The architecture in this area is early 1920’s when the country was in an economic boom post WWI. Beautiful bones provide structural integrity that responds well to restoration. modern updated interiors. The modern updated interior design work is fabulous. Attention to detail sets it apart. I was especially taken in by the expansiveness of the environment – the layout flowed nicely from setting to setting. Each with its own clear purpose – Coffee bar separate from the Tea bar, a lifestyle boutique, an interior and exterior restaurant and a book store all on the first level. There are also special rooms for events on the second floor.
Here are my top 3 impressions:
1. Luscious, spacious place to escape into another world – the kind of place you could spend a couple of hours with friends, have a power business breakfast or spend periods of time reading or laying out your Self Care plans for the season ahead over a fantastic herbal tea or coffee blend.
2. Refined taste captures its essence – it is Spa Chic Style personified featuring little things that add meaning to daily life you just have.
3. After leaving one feels time spent was life well lived – you leave it feeling grateful for having such a quality place in our tropical, lay back city on the bay.
Good News Monday: Oxford Exchange Exceeds Expectations is a fun story to share as an introduction to this unique Tampa destination with you. As I have spent quality time in Oxford, England immersed in its culture while at Oxford University, I was pleased to see the spirit of this intellectual world is translated into this space through contemporary times. The qualities of the cathedral of learning carry over the ocean well. A testament to a world-class curator’s intellect talent. It is now a Spanista destination. Please visit tomorrow to see Part 2 of our recent experience.
Spanista wants to know – Have you been there? What do you think?
To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,