Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Spanista Suggests ‘Short Guide To Happy Life’ By Anna Quindlen

Spanista Suggests A Short Guide To A Happy Life By Anna QuindlenPINIMAGE

‘A Short Guide To A Happy Life’ by Anna Quindlen available at Anthropologie.

Dear Wellness Seekers,

Have you read ‘A Short Guide To A Happy Life’ by Anna Quindlen?

Last Sunday Spanista took a minute to enjoy a little book of inspiration I picked up while taking a stroll through Anthropologie in Hyde Park Village. It is always such fun to meander through the beautiful vignettes in store – to touch, feel and smell the eclectic mix of merchandise as the creative stories are brought to life. So French inspired – from great room to kitchen to dining to bedroom and on to my favorites – The Bath and Boudoir.

Amidst the many temptations is a well curated book collection. These are not ‘read it quick paperbacks’ – these are books to treasure that capture the essence of a good life – a travel book here, entertaining tips there and guidance on how to live wisely. Browsing them is a sweet escape. Now that traditional book stores are few and far between I have come to appreciate this experience all the more.

I was drawn to this book titled  Short Guide To Happy Life by Anna Quidlen. Anna Quidlen is an insightful woman with a witty perspective that captures the imagination of many. She is a novelist and a journalist whose work has appeared in fiction, non-fiction and self-help bestsellers lists. She was a New York Times and Newsweek columnist who won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary and wrote six novels. This one could be ready over a great glass of wine.

Spanista feels this little book punches above it weight class with heartfelt wisdom for men and women. Anna shares advice on ‘Getting A Life’ with irresistible charm. There are many pearls but my favorite is:

“Life is made of moments, small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of grey cement. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won’t happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really live…to love the journey not the destination.” 

Anna Quindlen

This author inspires Spansita’s Art of Self Care, so this book will stay on my night stand.

As Summer comes to a close perhaps we can take to heart her sage advice?

What one thing would you do to ‘Get A Life’?

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


Spanista Founder & Self Care Advocate

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