Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Good News Monday: Monarch Butterflies Increases Presence


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Good News Monday: Monarch Butterflies Increases Presence in Mexico reversing years of a declining numbers in population. These magical creatures have always held a fascination with me. I want to share this news as a positive sign of what maybe good things ahead in 2015.

Why is the Miracle of The Monarchs worthy of attention right now? Because Spanista sees them as sympatico with the Seasons of Spanista which celebrates the Rhythm of Life and natures sophisticated, mysterious healing ways. These etherial creatures inspire lightness of heart – especially during a time of year that can become stressful for many of us. I always watch for their arrival in Michoacan as it signals the end of Autumn is near and winter will soon arrive. I have been lucky enough to witness the migration over the years while living on the Missouri/Kansas state borders that are on their flight path south. They are so fragile they cannot withstand the Canadian winters so they seek warm climate which makes them ruled by the Sun. In fact the day the sun rises to exactly 52 degrees above the horizon the exodus begins. I can relate to this surcadine rhythm too!

The Monarch Butterflies migrate over 2000 miles from Canada through the middle of the United States on to the Oyamel Forrest of Mexico is a nothing less than a miracle. But sadly, over the last decade the odds have been stacked against their survival. The natural habitats that nourish them along the journey have been altered by land development and chemicals. The result is a decline in a vital food – milkweed – that once grew naturally in the hay fields of the many farms once plentiful along the route. Now there are housing sub-divisons and commercial developments in their place. And at their destination, the Oyamel Forrest, much tree harvesting has occurred around their sanctuaries. The effect is temperatures drop below normal and cold winds sweep the open ranges to change the butterflies living conditions. In fact, the issues became really critical last year when the Monarchs did not arrive on their customary dates in late October but started to trickle in a week or more later as reported by Tim Robbins in this NYTimes article  ‘”The Year the Monarchs Didn’t Appear” by Tim Robbins. The chilly temps further diminished the populations. The result is for a short period of time, a magnificent blanket of beautiful butterflies covers the forrest floor. The locals harvest the blanket as a means of making a living. We are lucky they share them with the world.

Good-News-Monday:-Monarch-Butterflies-Increase4.jpegPINIMAGEMy husband gave me the Monarch Butteryfly wall display pictured above after my Mother pass on to join my father who departed when I was 16 years old. The butterflies are real and  were harvested from the blanket on the forrest floor. The Michoan culture sees Monarch Butterflies as representing the souls of the departed. These butterflies come back to visit as spirits of our ancestors. The Day of the Dead is when the Monarchs arrive and is celebrated as a happy time when living and dead are reunited. I love this symbolism. It is especially poinnete during the holiday season when we often miss loved ones. My Mother found happiness in the changing seasons – this time of year was one of her favorites. When I miss her I look at the butterflies and think of her. And silently pray the Monarch will flourish in the new year for us all to enjoy.

Discovery Channel produced a wonderful documentary of this nature story.  You can find “Four Wings and a Prayer: Monarch Butterflies and the Magic of Everyday Life” by Sue Helpren on You Tube.

Also a great gift for yourself or a Spanista Lover would be “Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation” by  Michelle J. Solensky, which can be found on Amazon.

Spanista Takeaway: Beyond their sheer beauty, there is much to learn from the Monarchs Butterflies – their unwavering determination to reach their goal, their clear sense of purpose to live by natures call, their drive to live in the warmth of the sun, as well as their  hard wired balance finding time to work and the time to play and frolic.

They are a blessing in our lives.

May Your Self Care Journey To Joy Be Merry & Bright,






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