Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Good News First Monday 2016: Great Life Is Faithful Living


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Good News First Monday 2016: Great Life Is Faithful Living is a promise to build  your dream on in 2016. Spanista wants you to theme and set the tone for this exciting new year with this powerful intention:  I AM MEANT TO LIVE A GREAT LIFE!

January is the time Spanista’s sets aside for reflection of ones life, evaluate the year gone by and establish clarity on your emotional and physical wellbeing journey. As I begin the new year, I step out in faith. After coming upon this great 2016 calendar cover I found in Barnes and Noble Bookstore over the holidays, the idea resonates even more deeply with me – It is time to make the most of who YOU are…stop the madness of emulating others because what is the point of it.

The right and Spirit driven reality is “Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken!” Design by Becca Cahan.

Firstly, I believe Spirit has given me all I need to have a great life. “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Secondly, it is up to me to recognize this, be open to it and gratefully accept!

Thirdly, I breathe deeply with eyes closed to feel the energy, life, and love of Spirit move through me easily and effortlessly. I open my eyes to divine ideas and discern what is mine to do. I discover my heart mind and body are filled with enthusiasm.

With this practice Spanista finds it becomes easier to let go of any points because a higher level of energy replaces it. Doing this everyday in January is helping me get establish Faithful Living. Yes,  I AM MEANT TO LIVE A GREAT LIFE!

I am blessed with unlimited possibilities to experience life through Spirit. Opportunities to connect with the Divine arrive in new and unexpected ways. With this new emotional strength, I am now conscious of others expressing kindness, joy, and peace.

Good News First Monday 2016: Great Life Is Faithful Living is about bringing to heart and mind to the rightness to fulfill your rightful REAL purpose here on earth. To experience this one needs to connect to this thought process.  Spanista feel one with all that is. I feel certain that my circumstances will work out favorably, perhaps in unimaginable ways. As I deepen my connection with Spirit, my faith grows ever stronger. Yes,  I AM MEANT TO LIVE A GREAT LIFE!

This January let’s do our part to ensure this year allows us all that we can enjoy with grace, open hearts and gratitude for the goodness coming our way. Let me know the affect this has on your life anytime.

Happy New Year to our Spanista Society!
To Your Self Care journey To Joy,



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